Jan 14, 2015


The Krasnals. Whielki Krasnal "LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ / Olimpia / Hidden Beauty / Charlie Hebdo". 2012. Oil on canvas. 110 x 130 cm

Good Party / Je suis Charlie / March of the Hypocrites

The Krasnals "Good Party / Je suis Charlie / March of the Hypocrites". 2015. Oil on canvas. 40 x 70 cm

Oscar Wilde

The Krasnals. Whielki Krasnal ""Stupidity makes a furore in the world" / Oscar Wilde / z cyklu GoodFellas". 2014. Olej na płótnie. 45 x 35 cm

Hypocrisy and corruption at the Art gates

The Mirror of the Origin

The Krasnals, Whielki Krasnals „The Mirror of the Origin /  Looking for sence of Art / Boredom” Tribute to Gustave Courbet „Origin of the World”, Deborah de Robertis „Mirror of Origin”, The Krasnals ”Looking for Art Circulation”.

It’s not curators and critics who will tell what is art. It’s only artist who can decide about it!
Fuck the system! We look for Art!
Back to the origin of Art
Looking for free art outside the system
Looking for origin of Art
It’s impossible for system to create the Masterpiece!
System can only produce projects. It’s artist who is able to create a masterpiece!
Dziś sztuka – organizacja plus biznes plus polityka. Artysta – realizator projektu, nie twórca.
Looking for sense
Jerry Salz „Operating within rules isn’t art.”
Madness plus organization - Masterpiece.


Jan 8, 2015


There is no such a thing as tolerance. But the problem is in the balance of powers. We are witnessing the confusion of ideas. Tolerance is a sign of weakness and helplessness of a society. Tolerance is an artificial creation replacing genuine respect. All parties should be aware of their strength, their value and should nurture them. If someone talks about tolerance, it means he is weak. Balance of power is a condition of mutual respect. That makes the economic and cultural exchange possible, as well as exchanging experiences, while preserving the rights and rules of the host.

On humanitarian level, we are all human beings, and respect should be directed to everyone. However, it occurs only when a person is aware of its strength, aware of its dignity and value. If he demonstrates his low self-esteem, gives the impression to an opponent / partner about his weaknesses, the impression of allowance for abusing, for referring disrespectfully to someone who is not worthy, but weak opponent (partner). If the other party gets a signal that the partner is strong, stable, then treats him seriously. And not like how it is now - as a weakling, a coward and a fool that can be pushed around, and laughed at.

The biggest mistake is what is happening now - tolerance to extremely intolerant groups, conservative and homophobic. You cannot show weakness by practicing non-stop self-criticism, eg. of your religion, culture, and tolerating and increasing the value of your opponent in the same categories.