(concerns 11 exhibitions of Damien Hirst at Gagosian Galleries "The Complete Spot Paintings" http://www.gagosian.com/exhibitions/the-complete-spot-challenge--january-12-2012)

Whielki Krasnals. The Krasnals "Erased Spots 1 / Tribute to Damien Hirst". 2012. Acrylic on canvas. 36 x 48 cm
Damien Hirst's Spot Paintings made in big effort by Hirst's assistants, start to disappear. What would happen with alternate reality covered entirely in dots if they start to be erased? What would happen with us living in Universe without dots? These are the crucial questions. Hirst’s spots give an atom’s-eye view of how the world really is, and of how little it’s about human needs or concerns.
The Krasnals decided to take this challenge and check if it's possible to live without dots, if the mankind would be really hurt and if the art history would cry after these masterpieces.
So the process of erasing Damien Hirst spots has begun!
In conjunction with the process of erasing spots will be the publication of 'The Complete Erased Spot Paintings 1986–2011', a fully illustrated, comprehensive and definitive catalogue of all Hirst's erased spot paintings made by The Krasnals. Published by The Krasnals Gallery, 'The Complete Erased Spot Paintings 1986–2011' includes essays by Museum of Modern Art curator Whielki Krasnal, cultural critic Krasnal Bansky, and art historian Krasnal Halabala as well as a conversation between Whielki Krasnal, Krasnal Bansky and Krasnal Halabala.
The Complete Erased Spot Challenge
Find all eleven The Krasnals Gallery locations during the exhibition The Complete Erased Spot Paintings 1986–2011 and receive a signed totally erased Damien Hirst spot print by The Krasnals, dedicated personally to you.
Participants must register with a valid email and mailing address to be eligible. Following registration, participants must retrieve their official registration card at any The Krasnals Gallery location and present government issued Photo ID in order to participate.
The personally dedicated erased Damien Hirst spot print will not be produced until after the Erased Spot Challenge is completely over. We cannot provide any details about the print at this time. The print edition size will reflect the number of registrants who complete the Erased Spot Challenge.
Contact: t.krasnals2@wp.pl for any questions.
key words: Damien Hirst, Larry Gagosian, art history manipulation, art market speculations, Art Newspaper, Complete Spot Paintings