This passport is an exceptional work ART!
Anyone can became a citizen of the Kingdom of The Krasnals, regardless origin, color, sex, views and other features. The validity of the passport will never expire, it is valid at any time and place.
To be the holder of The Krasnals' PASSPORT, you should print it from the file supplied by us, then fill out and fold.
Who wants to have our signature in the passport, you can send us your passport by mail, we will sign it and mail back. Write us for the mail address: t.krasnals111@wp.pl
It will be pleasure for us if you send us the info that you have our passport!

The Government of the Kingdom of The Krasnals requests all Civil and Military Authorities to let through the holder of this passport without hindrance and, in case of need, to render him/her the necessary aid and assistance in accordance with the international law.
This passport is valid for all countries.
If found, please use it if you wish or give back to the owner or to somebody else.
The passport is not needed to be protected against damage or loss. Passport damaged, illegible, lost or used by another person is valid.
Technical Instructions:
Fill in the blanks as you wish.
This passport can be used by anybody, anywhere and anytime.
Attention! Attention!
This passport is a Very Important Piece of Contemporary Art!
